How do I help my child enjoy chemistry?
Chemistry is a great subject because it can be taught in a stimulating and exciting manner. We can get our hands dirty, enjoy weird and wonderful reactions and be amazed...

Hero's Spectacular Steam Turbine
Almost two thousand years before the world entered the industrial era, Hero, a Greek inventor, invented the Steam Engine! Hero’s ‘Aeolipile’, more commonly known as ‘Hero’s Engine’ is a simple...

The Beautiful Science Of Radiometers
A Radiometer is a device used for measuring the power of electromagnetic radiation. Usually a radiometer is an infrared radiation detector or ultraviolet detector. The first radiometer was developed by...

The Wonderful World Of Dice
Dice are useful little devices used for generating random numbers; shake and roll, there you have your randomised numbers, assuming of course the dice aren’t loaded! A typical dice today...

Interview with a Scientist: Andrew Hamilton
We start off our new series of interviews with real scientists by catching up with Andrew Hamilton, a researcher at Glasgow University. What was the highlight of your scientific career? Discovering something...

Scientists to map Britain's 'Atlantis'
AN amazing scientific collaboration which aims to map Britain's 'lost Atlantis'.The curious minds of the University of Bradford archaelogists, computer scientists and molecular biologists are joining forces to develop a...

Curious Minds and Brickstuff - a match made in LEGO
At Curious Minds we are hard wired to get excited by a bright idea, but when our Gareth took a trip to the Chigago Toy and Game Fair last year...

New LEGO Star Wars magazine launched
EGMONT Publishing is launching its new LEGO Star Wars magazine tomorrow (Wednesday, July 29). From the award-winning Toxic magazine team, every issue of the LEGO Star Wars magazine comes with...
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