Ever Wondered What a Higgs Boson is?

Ever wondered what a Higgs Boson was? Watch this video, we think it's the best explanation we've seen.

What is Quantum Computing? - Science Simplified

What is Quantum Computing? Why is it useful? In this blog post we explain quantum computing in a simplified manner!

The History of Lammas: A Celebration of Bountiful Harvest

Historical Origins of Lammas The name "Lammas" derives from the Old English term "hlaf-mas”. Lammas signifies the offering of the first loaves of bread made from the newly harvested grain....

Four Brilliant Female Scientists

Einstein, Clerk-Maxwell, Darwin… all names which instantly come to mind when thinking of science. But what this list is obviously lacking is, women. To amend for this, and to mark...

The Chemistry Of Love

Scientists have broken romantic love down into three distinct phases: lust, attraction & attachment. And far from being in control of your emotions, we’re here to tell you, the success...

Point Nemo - The Remotest Location On Earth

Point Nemo is the loneliest, hardest to reach, remotest, farthest from anywhere point on earth. And the point lands slap in the middle of some of the deepest waters on...

Scientists to map Britain's 'Atlantis'

AN amazing scientific collaboration which aims to map Britain's 'lost Atlantis'.The curious minds of the University of Bradford archaelogists, computer scientists and molecular biologists are joining forces to develop a...

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