Chemistry is a great subject because it can be taught in a stimulating and exciting manner. We can get our hands dirty, enjoy weird and wonderful reactions and be amazed by awe inspiring experiments. The best thing about it is that you are having fun, your kids are having fun and you are both learning about the wonders of chemistry.
A great experiment to try with your kids is the all-time favourite, making a Baking Soda Volcano! All you need is Baking Soda and Vinegar, check out the full Baking soda experiment here.
Here at Curious Minds we also have a whole range of chemistry kits to inspire children to take up science at school. With over 125 diverse experiments you’ll have hours’ worth of educational fun. Learn about indicators, write in invisible ink and dissolve metals in electrochemical reactions!
If something more beginner is your taste then take at a look at this Kidz Labs Potato Clock! The Potato Clock is a battery free way to remember the time. Discover how a potato can power a digital clock with this kit – it’s high voltage inspiration!
Another great experiment to help start you off is making invisible ink! All you need to get started is lemon, white paper and water! Check out the full Invisible Ink Experiment here.
The Curious Minds Experiments page has many more fun experiments to help you and you children learn chemistry in a fun way!
A common chemistry question is “who invented chemistry?” Well the first clear differences between chemistry and alchemy were made by Robert Boyle in his work “The Sceptical Chymist” (1661). While both alchemy and chemistry are concerned with matter and its transformations, chemists are seen as applying scientific method to their work. The world’s first chemist was Tapptuti, a perfume maker mentioned in a cuneiform tablet dated around 1200 BCE in Babylonian Mesopotamia.