HELENSBURGH'S Grasshopper Toys' team are delighted to have been named as Britain's Most Outstanding Online Toy Retailer in Corporate LiveWire’s 2015 Innovation and Excellence Awards.
Grasshopper Toys Ltd is one of the biggest independent toy shops in Scotland, stocking some of the best loved names in the toy world but also has an extensive international online customer base for both Grasshopper Toys and for their sister business Curious Minds, which specialises in scientific and educational toys, kits and gifts for all ages.
Company owner Dr Wendy Hamilton said: “We are absolutely over the moon to have been given this award. It is a great honour and we are delighted that all our hard work has been recognised in this way.”And a spokesman for Corporate Livewire said: "The announcement of the winners list is the culmination of an extensive 12 month search and Corporate LiveWire takes great pride in publishing its full list of winners and celebrating the innovation and excellence these firms, teams and individuals have shown amid ongoing global economic uncertainty.”
Leah Jones and Elizabeth Moore, Awards Directors of the 2015 Innovation & Excellence Awards Winners Guide, were thrilled with the calibre of this year’s winners. Leah said: “The Corporate LiveWire Innovation & Excellence award winners have not only proved to be resilient and creative but have also shown a willingness to adapt to the ever changing environment of their respective fields; attributes that have certainly been key to the winners’ exceptional performance and success.
"The judging panel at Corporate LiveWire considered the strengths of each shortlisted candidate, setting its sights firmly on the most innovative, groundbreaking and client-focused firms, teams and individuals who have transformed the way in which they do business.
"Each winner was chosen on merit and has shown excellence, innovation and strong leadership throughout their various activities over the past calendar year."
Grasshopper Toys bounced back after a catastrophic fire which seriously damaged the shop shortly after its initial opening and Wendy said: “I was overwhelmed by the support the people of Helensburgh gave us at that very hard time and I will always be grateful for that.”
Since then Grasshopper has gone from strength to strength and now offers Saturday afternoon fun sessions for their young customers and contributes a regular science column for budding scientists in the Helensburgh Advertiser.